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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Assignment #20: My Christmas Story

I wake up in the middle of the night I here footsteps down stairs. I was only a little kid but I felt that I should go check it out I felt something that kept telling me to go down stairs. It was attracting me to it, but I did not know what it was. I sat up and drank some cold water that was sitting next to my bed to help me wake up. I then looked at my watch and it was eleven p.m. everyone was asleep by now. I get up of bed and try not to step on any of my toys on the ground when I accidently kick a ball and it makes a little bit of noise because I stop it. I open the door to my room carefully I walk toward the stairs and I peek down stairs and saw a big man in red he was putting presents on the tree and he was eating cookies and drinking my milk.
I did not believe what was going on I had to make sure this was real so I pinched myself to see that this was not a dream. I ran down stairs to speak to him when I realized it was all a dream I woke up and ran down stairs I realized everything was exactly how it was in my dream. Was this dream real.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment #18;My Poem

The bright lights

under the dark sky
you see only a green glow
of the grass
You hear nothing but silence
then the sudden crack of pads and helmets colliding,
the crowd gets pumped up. 
Battle scars on the helmet
sweat on the jerseys
tears on the face of 
the losing team
the hard work pays of 
friday night under the lights. 
its football

Monday, November 15, 2010

I think the wisdom story about the stick means that no matter how hard you try you cannot get rid of your bad side because it is always going to be a part of you. like the kid when he kept cutting the stick in half which ever half he kept it always had a left side. you cant get rid of some things in your life because they are a part of you. The hot dog story means that you should put love and hard work into what you do for others because that makes it mean that much more. You should always be kind to everyone even if they are not nice to you.

Assignment#14 Persuasive Essay uniforms

       I think we should not have uniforms because, uniforms make every one would look the same and no one would be able to express  them self. It should not matter how you dress to go to school you go to school to learn and it doesn't matter how you look togo to school.

Monday, November 1, 2010

assignment 13 Halloween Haiku

once night fall hits, its an amazing site when you see all the monsters.

People walking house to house demanding candy, hoping to get some.

don't be alarmed because they are just masked, harmless children.

Assignment 12 The Black Cat

The human wisdom in the story The Black Cat is , what ever you do in life weather its good or bad it will come back to you at some point. Its like Karma when th guy killed the cat his house burned down and he was also haunted by the memories of his dead cat he had loved. The cat he had killed had come back to haunt him in the shape of a nother cat and torchored him for what he did by macking him think of his dead cat. He also killed his because of his cat and all he felt hatred for his cat even though he had just killed his wife. Thats why the cat was the one who let the police know it was him who killed his wife.His past came back to haunt him and it ruind not only his life but took his wifes life as well.I think the black cat represented all of the evil in the man in the story, the white spot represented the death of his wife and cat.

Assignment 11 the Concreate Rose

I think Tupac's poem is about him self it is his life story. The rose in the poem is Tupac he grew up in a rough neighborhood wich is the concreate and he grew up to be someone out of nothing.He say that he grew up even though none cared aboute him and no one helped him out .All he did is he belived in himself and he kept following his dreams.He kept working toward his dream and he achived some thing he wanted nomatter if the odds were against him just like the flower.

assignment 10 bullying

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Assingment 9 Alien Contact

One day me and my friends were wondering about the park at around midnight on a Sunday morning. We had many experiences together but this one topped the charts. While we were walking thought the park we all caught a glimpse of a strange figure running through the bushes but couldn't get a clear view. It moved quickly behind a tree we were all scared but some how we felt the need to follow it . we didn't know were we were at now because it was very dark outside , every thing looks so different in the night specially when you are running.then we ran in to an open field and as we walked through the tall grass the creature seemed to stop and a second later the ground below him seemed to glow a light blue light and the creature started going into the air as if he was flying. it went over our heads and in to what seemed to be some kind of space craft.

The next day we all woke up and we meet at the park we were at in the morning we all thought it was all a dream but, but all of us could not have the same exact dream. Then we realised it was all real and we were curies to know why this had happen to us .

The next day we all went to the park were we had our first encounter with the creature that we had realise it was no from our planet he was an Alien. That was the only explanation we could think of .So we waited in the park for it to get dark we all took snacks to keep our stomachs full will we waited for something to happen we had just opened up a big bag of hot Cheetos when we heard the leaves rustling so we looked around for something that was moving around the bushes when we saw the creature moving from one bush to the other. Then we saw that there were two of them this time except one was bigger than the other and the were looking for something . They were Looking For US !! We all were hiding between the bushes trying to keep our self from breathing hard and we could hear them talking until one of them touched me in my back he was standing behind me and he was speaking English .These alien wanted to invade our planet and wanted me to take them to "our leader". They were studding our planet and said that we didn't deserve to live here.

They described our planet as hostile and wanted to put an end to it. Our civilization

Assignment 8 The Necklace

In the story the necklace the moral of the story is that you should not worry about the things you don't have but be happy for what you have. The lady in the story is unhappy because she was born poor and she did not have nice clothes to show of her beauty. She should of been happy for what she had in her life like her husband that was working hard so she could get a nice dress. I think she suffered through all that work because she did not appreciate what she had in life .
I think you can apply these "wisdom teachings" to my own life by not worrying about things i don't have or want but appreciating what I do have .Some times you just have to stop and think about the things you appreciate the most in your life because the next moment it or they could be gone.Like the lady in the story "The Necklace" she worried aboute looking nice for the rich people that she made her husband giveher some of the money he had saved up to buy a Hunting Riffle so she could look nice.

Assignment 7 My Self-Value

In my opinion this quote means that you must think that you are the best no matter what and you must not compare yourself to others. You have to look at the things you are good at and not be jealous of any one because they might be better than you at other things. You have to love yourself to be able to love others. You have to learn that you are not going to be perfect and none is perfect in this world so you should just look at the things that you are good at and that you love. If there is someone that is jealous of you then you should help them out by telling them what they are good at .you can make them feel good.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Dream a World

This poem means that he dreams a world where it dose not matter how you look or who you are.A world where everyone is free no matter what race or religion and every body is free.A world where there is no suffering or sadness and a world wherethere is no fighting or war. A world were humans help each other .I think we all have the power to make this dream come true because what we do in life can change the future.For example Martin Luther King JR changed the US and the world by fighting hard for cival rights.He gave his "I have a dream" speech in Washinton D.C. wich help African Americans get civil rights. I think if you really fight for something you belive in you can change atleast one person's life.

Race in America

Race is what makes up who you are it is important that you remember where you came from and who you are .It has an effect on what people first think of you sometimes .

In New York they are trying to build a mosc near ground zero.this has brought conterverse because people are protesting this.They think it is ofensive to build a mosc a few blocks near ground zero, because the people who crashed the airplanes on the World Trade Center where Muslim. They are saying without saying that since the terrorists where muslims then all muslims are terrorist .I think they should be able to build that mosc because it is not even that close to ground zero it is a few blocks away. The people are just being prejudice against the muslim people in New York. They have freedom of religion so they should be able to practice their religion.

In Arizona they have made an anti immigrant law called sb 1070 . This law is that if any police officer stops any person and has reson to belive that he is in this countrie elegally he has the right to ask for proof from that person to say he is legally in this countrie. The governor of Arizona said that there have been beheadings in the Arizona Mexico Boarder but when asked about that she avoided the question.They are triying to get rid of Mexicans that come over to this countrie looking for a better life.They don't like this, but america was founded by people who immagrated here .

cultural underpinnings of literature

Religion has had a big impact in our daily life because it has shaped our way of life . America was discoverd, because of religion and it is affected by the Judeo-Christian paradigm. This country was founded by religion.
Almost everything can be traced back to religion from music, art,and even food.English prodestans left England so they can practice their religion. The Judeo-Chistian Religion has shaped the US for over 200 years
Religion has not only affected the US but the entire world there are wars that have been faught because of religion. Some people do not tollerate other religions. In Germany the Nazis started illing the Jews becuse they where looking for some one to blame for what the countrie was going through after the war.The countrie was forced to turn in anybody that was a jew because of there religion.Even now there are people that dont like each other because of their religion, because they are prejiduse .
In New York there is conterversey about building a mosc near ground zero. This conterversey is because the people who crashed the airplanes on The World Tradecenter where muslims. Even though it is a few blocks down from ground zero they are still protesting against it.I think that they should let them build the mosc because they have freedom of religion so they should be able to practice there religion.One guy is going to burn the quran on 9/11. He thinks it is something he needs to do because of what hapend that day.
Religion has afected the American Southwest because it affected the indigeneus people who lived there . The americans removed them from there land because they thought it was there God given right to expand west ward.they killed and moved many Native Americans who had lived there years before them they also tried to change their ways.
Thats how religion has affected the world that we are in.It has affected our cultures our countries .Religion is a very powerful part of life ever since human started beliving in a greater power and has given us direction in life.

Show and Tell

When I was little my dad gave me a toycar, wich belonged to my older brother and it was important to me. I always played with it when I was boared or had nothing to do. Itook it every where I went because it use to belong to my older brother and he had pased away.I think it didnt mean as much to e then as it did after I lost it.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Sometimes you are in a better place where you are than where you want to be
You have to learn to appreciate what you have in life
You dont always see the things that you will miss the most

Friday, September 10, 2010


My name is Jose Estrada I was born in Santa Ana, California I am 16 years old. I was raised in California for 10 years until I moved here to Albuquerque. I am a student at Atrisco Heritage Academy High School I play Football for the school .My parents come from Mexico my dad is from Durango, Mexico and my mom is from Mexicali.I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers, but one of my brothers passed away when I was young. I like going to California for the summer because I have family there my favorite place to visit is Huntington Beach California because I went there a lot when i was a little kid. We lived in an apartment in California now that we moved here to Albuuerque we have a nice house and I am happy here even if I still miss California.