Sunday, September 26, 2010
I Dream a World
Posted by Jose Estrada at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Race in America
Posted by Jose Estrada at 3:06 PM 0 comments
cultural underpinnings of literature
Religion has had a big impact in our daily life because it has shaped our way of life . America was discoverd, because of religion and it is affected by the Judeo-Christian paradigm. This country was founded by religion.
Almost everything can be traced back to religion from music, art,and even food.English prodestans left England so they can practice their religion. The Judeo-Chistian Religion has shaped the US for over 200 years
Religion has not only affected the US but the entire world there are wars that have been faught because of religion. Some people do not tollerate other religions. In Germany the Nazis started illing the Jews becuse they where looking for some one to blame for what the countrie was going through after the war.The countrie was forced to turn in anybody that was a jew because of there religion.Even now there are people that dont like each other because of their religion, because they are prejiduse .
In New York there is conterversey about building a mosc near ground zero. This conterversey is because the people who crashed the airplanes on The World Tradecenter where muslims. Even though it is a few blocks down from ground zero they are still protesting against it.I think that they should let them build the mosc because they have freedom of religion so they should be able to practice there religion.One guy is going to burn the quran on 9/11. He thinks it is something he needs to do because of what hapend that day.
Religion has afected the American Southwest because it affected the indigeneus people who lived there . The americans removed them from there land because they thought it was there God given right to expand west ward.they killed and moved many Native Americans who had lived there years before them they also tried to change their ways.
Thats how religion has affected the world that we are in.It has affected our cultures our countries .Religion is a very powerful part of life ever since human started beliving in a greater power and has given us direction in life.
Posted by Jose Estrada at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Show and Tell
Posted by Jose Estrada at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
You have to learn to appreciate what you have in life
You dont always see the things that you will miss the most
Posted by Jose Estrada at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
Posted by Jose Estrada at 12:44 PM 0 comments